So Far Away

WordPress is dying.

This site totally reminds me of MySpace, just before they pulled the plug. Am I the only one who remembers that?

As I lay and I lie 
I am sleeping
and my life
it just slips away

In a room
point of view
out of shaping
I can hear
what I cannot say...

So far away
Take me away

You were born
you were warned
now you’re sleeping
and your life
will leave you one day

In a room
point of view
of your shaping
you can hear
what you cannot say...

So far away
Take me away

How many times
have you looked in the mirror?
How many times would you say?

What am I trying to say?
What am I trying to say?

You were born
you were warm
now you're shaking
and your thoughts
you keep them at bay

In a room
point of view
out of making
can you hear
what drives me away?

So far away
Take me away

How many times
will you shake with a fever?
How can you just look away?

What am I trying to say?
What am I trying to say?

You guys can see that, right?


  1. I haven’t noticed much censorship, but there was a period earlier this year when Whatfinger disappeared from my Referrers list. The eds at Whatfinger told me it was not my imagination; WordPress had tried it before, but retreated when they copped a backlash.

    Off topic, but spam is making a mighty comeback. I’m getting 100 plus a week, and I’ll give WordPress credit for spam filters that keep all the crap out of public view. Are you noticing anything like this?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Interesting. I don’t use referrals but I have heard others talk about WP playing games with them by having them just mysteriously vanish.

      Oddly enough, I don’t get much spam here at all. One reason might be that I’m hidden from the reader, so they just don’t see me. Another is I don’t allow comments with links. I think that discourages a lot of them because they try to post their stupid links in comment sections.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m getting plenty of stupid links, mixed in with stupid comments. They all seem to have the same point of origin, somewhere in SE Asia. At least these days they’re not trying to sell me penis enlargement pills.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I too am contemplating on staying or going…but for now I’m staying. I renew in August, so I’ll know more then. One thing that keeps me going is the new followers I keep getting, even if I don’t see them. It’s weird, on Monday I got the most likes and views that I’ve gotten in a long time – and I didn’t announce my break until that day. At least I don’t think I did…but WP knew it. Somehow I believe they are able to view saved drafts before being published. I’ve had parts of my drafts deleted before, knowing full well that I had included everything I intended to. But I posted about it, and tweaked a few things and stuff stopped disappearing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had a feeling that you might be on the staying/going wagon. I’m glad you’re getting views/new followers. You have one of the few interesting sites left on WP. It’s getting to be a wasteland in bloggers land out there. They probably have a few employees assigned to keep tabs on you; make sure you stay but don’t cause too much of a stir. Can’t wake the sleeping masses.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’ve told myself the same thing but WP managed to play enough tricks to stop me in my tracks. Even so, I still don’t want to stop and you’re right, it get’s really hard to keep going sometimes.

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  3. Know what I think? Someone calls WP a ‘walled garden’ where the tribe is close but there’s little variety. You have a few niches here and there but it’s a closed community.

    I’m not sure… I go up and down with WP. Should I stay, should I go? I just resigned for another year but it’s a year to year thing…

    Anyway. I don’t know what the future holds now with AI taking over. For now, it looks like you’re still here (and so am I).


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  4. I have noticed the past week a dramatic decrease in the number of likes on my WordPress blog.

    Up to two weeks ago, I used to get 20 to 30 likes a day.

    The past week I’ve been averaging 8 to 10.

    And the number of views WP says I get at my site has decreased rapidly.

    I have the feeling that my blog no longer shows up in WP reader nor are they sending out any email notifications to my subscribers.

    As for the number of views, WP is lying I know.

    Since I started another site on Twitter (I was kicked off Twitter back on January 6th 2021 for tweeting that Vice-President Mike Pence should be shot by firing squad for High Treason) when Elon Musk took over, I have been posting my blog posts (the links to them) on my site.

    I maybe only got 3 or 4 views on them according to the Twitter stats.

    However since my own AI art generating pics have been showing up on the link pics, I’ve been getting a lot more views – about 30 to 40 since I started generating my own pics.

    So my own AI art obviously attracts people.

    And since Twitter notes that people have been clicking on my links, WP is blatantly lying about the number of views I get.

    So by not sending notifications to subscribers (so your regular readers will not read your posts) and then trying to discourage you by saying you’re only getting a limited number of views (although my Twitter stats say otherwise), they try to force controversial people to stop blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks and I totally agree. Anything and everything to discourage those who only want to post the truth. All sites lie and manipulate the stats. I know Spotify does and so does YouTube. FB, X and all the rest are just jokes, nothing like what they should be.

      Seems to be working too because I can barely keep myself going here. I’ve quit a dozen times over only to give in and throw a post up. Still can’t decide if I should stay or go.. so I guess I’ll just keep hanging on for a bit, see what happens.

      I’m glad you’re still going, your writing has always rocked and your AI art is pretty awesome, man.

      Liked by 1 person

Talk to Crandew