
Seriously, they are everywhere.

What is it going to take to break the censorship?


    • It really does and I know you’re feeling it just as much as I am. I try to remind myself that I don’t need or even want this society, so the censorship is really only hurting those who do.

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      • As much as I don’t want to, I’m pretty much prepared to walk away from it all, if need be. It’s only going to get worse throughout the year, and it will be interesting to see what happens April 8.

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      • Agreed, it’s going to be a crazy year. I’m right in the path of the April 8th eclipse and it does make me wonder if they’ll use the event to stage some weird event. Our controllers love to do that sort of thing.

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      • I think I’m to the east of the path…I saw a question put out there asking if “they” could use the eclipse to change the east coast line. They do like to use things like this…
        We’re making sure we’re stocked up for a few days, not because we’re scared, but so we don’t have to deal with the crazies.

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Talk to Crandew